To Integrate Google Analytics with your website...
1) You must have a Google account.
- If you don't have one, go to and create an account
2) Set up a Google Analytics profile/property for your website:
- After creating a Google account, go to
- In the “Welcome to Google Analytics” page, click the “Start Measuring” button
- In the account name, enter your church/business/school/
ministry name - Click “Next”
- In the property name, enter your website URL (ex:
- Then select your timezone and currency
- Click "Next"
- Add info about your organization (business size, categories on how do you intend to use Analytics)
- Click “Create”
- In the Terms of Service, popup, check the box next to "I also accept..."
- Click the "I Accept" button
- In the "My email communications" popup, leave everything unchecked and click "Save"
- The screen that follows says, "Next Step: Set up a data stream to start collecting data"
- For "Choose a platform," select "Web"
- Enter your Website URL (e.g. OurChurch.Com) and Stream name "website"
- Click "Create stream"
- Write down your Stream ID and Measurement Id somewhere for safe keeping.
- Open a new web browser tab
- Login to MyOCC
- Click to your WP-EZ Dashboard
- Click the “More” menu and select “Google Analytics”
- Click “Plugin Settings.” This will cause the form with the GA settings to appear.
- In the "GA Tracking ID" box enter your "Measurement Id" (starts with G- )
- For "Tracking Method" select "Global Site Tag"
- Skip down to "Admin Users" and check the box next to "Disable tracking of Admin-level users" (This will prevent your pageviews from being counted in the data)
- Click "Save Changes"