WP-EZ 2.0: NE1 to WP-EZ 2.0 Migration FAQs

***Please read this entire page and watch the video below BEFORE you switch to WP-EZ 2.0***

We are excited that WP-EZ 2.0 is now available to everyone with Free, Bronze, Silver, and Gold hosting packages! Before we get to the FAQs, a little house keeping...


Q) I am using the NE1 Website Builder. Do I have to migrate to WP-EZ 2.0?

You don't have to. However, as we've been saying since January 2016, NE1 has serious security vulnerabilities and we also don't have any way to upgrade it. At any time, your website could get hacked or we could be forced to shut NE1 down. For now, you can take those risks if you want to. However, you will also be assessed an "NE1 Usage Fee" to cover the increased costs associated with NE1. 

Q) Previously I read the NE1 to WP-EZ Migration FAQs. Is the migration from NE1 to WP-EZ 2.0 similar?

No, there are a lot of differences.

To understand the differences, I think it's important to understand the goals of WP-EZ 2.0 and the problems it was designed to address. Before we designed the original WP-EZ, we were seeing lots of websites that used themes that were not mobile-friendly and looked like they were out of the 90s. So, we created WP-EZ to include modern, mobile-friendly themes, and we created a migration tool that copied all of the existing pages from NE1 into WP-EZ and put them in a new, modern theme.

Today, website themes are far less prominent while page content is far more prominent. One of the biggest problems we see with websites, including those built with WP-EZ, is the layout and format of page content is often poor. We see a lot of pages with no images or tiny images, 3 or more different colors of text, multiple fonts, inconsistent headings. One of the main goals of WP-EZ 2.0 is to help users format their page content better. That's why we added page templates.

For the migration, if we had done as we did with NE1 to WP-EZ 1.0 and copied all the page content from an NE1 site into a WP-EZ 2.0 site, the end result would be the same poorly formatted page content. That wouldn't help. Therefore instead, we introduced an easy way for you to build a new WP-EZ 2.0 website from scratch while your NE1 website is still live. You can edit the WP-EZ 2.0 default pages - replacing the default text and images with your own text and images. And when you are ready to switch to your new website, you can activate it at just at a click of a button.

You can find the button to build a fresh WP-EZ 2.0 website in your MyOCC My Websites page. Right beside the NE1 Admin button is a Build New Website button.

Q) Wait, are you saying if I build a new WP-EZ 2.0 website, my current pages will go away and I'll have to copy all of my existing content into new pages?

That is correct. NE1 is a very old website builder which uses outdated web design and content editing methods. Automatically copying poorly formatted pages into your new website would be a disservice to you and your visitors. It will take more time to create a new website, but in the end it will be worth it, because you’re new website will better help you live out your mission online.

If you feel there are NE1 data like pages and posts that you need help in transferring over to your WP-EZ 2.0 website, you may contact us and we can do the migration for you. You can read more about that here.

1) Build A NEW WP-EZ 2.0 Website, While Your Current NE1 Website Is Still Active

We will notify you when your WP-EZ 2.0 site is setup:

  • The website builder tool builds new pages, menu, and default content.
  • The new WP-EZ website will be installed in a temporary sub-folder which you will be able to view at yourdomain.com/_wpez while your NE1 site continues to be what your website visitors see.
  • On the MyOCC "My Websites" page, you'll now see buttons to view and edit your WP-EZ site.

Note that visitors to your website will continue to see your NE1 website.

2) Edit the WP-EZ 2.0 Pages

For most websites, this phase will take the most time. What you'll do is edit each one of the new default 2.0 pages in your WP-EZ 2.0 website. Replace the sample text with your own text and replace the sample images with your own images. We have created a video tutorial for each page template of each theme. Before you start editing a page, we encourage you to watch the video tutorial for that page.

You will likely have have additional pages you want to create that were not automatically created by the website builder.  Before you create additional pages, we strongly recommend you watch this video about page templates and watch this video: How to Build a New Page From Scratch.

You might find it faster to copy the text from your old pages and paste it into the page builder for your new pages. Also note, if the WP-EZ 2.0 theme you select contains a page you don't want to use, you can either delete it or just remove it from the new menu for the theme.

3) Activate the WP-EZ 2.0 Theme

Go to your WP-EZ Dashboard. Click the green button on the right side that says "Activate WP-EZ Site! (This will override your existing NE1 Site)". This will cause several things to happen:

  • Your NE1 website will be replaced by the new WP-EZ 2.0 website.
  • On the MyOCC My Websites page, you will see WP-EZ buttons instead of NE1 buttons.

Q) I'm confused and getting frustrated. What should I do?

First, stop and pray. Seriously, God is in this with us. He gives wisdom, understanding and patience. Second, make sure you've watched the migration video tutorial above, the WP-EZ 2.0 General videos. If you're still confused and frustrated, create a help desk ticket so our support team can assist you.

If you want a 2.0 site, but doing this migration just isn't the best use of your time, let us migrate your site for you - here's how.

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